Why we request your personal or business information:
The process of obtaining a surety bond often requires that individuals provide very personal and highly confidential information to the surety markets with which we are attempting to obtain your surety bond. All surety markets require this information as it is a critical part of the underwriting process. A Better Surety will never request information from you that has not been requested by the surety market.
How we protect your personal information:
A Better Surety safeguards the security of the data you send us with physical, electronic and managerial procedures. We urge you to take every precaution to protect your personal data when you are on the Internet. Change your passwords often, use a combination of letters and numbers and make sure you use a secure browser.
Who has access to the information you provide?
The information you provide to A Better Surety is passed directly to the surety company underwriter that has been assigned to your account, most often in electronic form. We do not sell or give any of your information to anyone other than the requesting surety company.
What happens to my information after I receive my bond?
Like most companies, we at A Better Surety, are required to keep records of our transactions with our clients. All information pertaining to your surety bond is scanned using high speed document imaging equipment. The information is then transferred to optical data media for long term storage. At this point all paper documents are shredded, on site, at A Better Surety.